
The organisation’s chief focus is Solid Waste Management, an important albeit largely ignored sphere. We presently operate a waste management facility on a Public-Private Partnership basis with the Coonoor Municipality. The facility started as a small affair and owes its inception to Mrs. Rajashree Pinnamaneni, a Philanthropist from Hyderabad.

Through the extended support offered by Mrs. Rajashree, and funding from Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies, Microland Foundation, other Corporates and Individual Donors, the facility has expanded and deals with all types of waste generated in town. It chiefly continues to operate by way of grants and donations, and to a lesser extent through its own earnings. A plan to expand this vital activity to other areas in the district is also on the anvil.

Surface Drainage, Waterbody Protection, Eco-restoration, Sensitisations, and Heritage, are some of our other areas of interest.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..