Not a Moment too Soon

With the Northeast Monsoon having set across South India yesterday and the met-office predicting heavy rains, it was a touch and go situation for Team Clean Coonoor as its clean-up activity on the upper stream of the Coonoor River, neared its close.

Luckily the weather held its peace, and we at Clean Coonoor are happy to state, that after twenty-five days of operations, the stretch of the stream extending from the Coonoor Bridge to the municipal slaughter house, is finally free of debris.

The stream that once flowed with an average width of twenty feet, now flows freely at fifty, and this brings Phase-II of the Coonoor River Cleanup Campaign to a successful conclusion. 

After ensuring that the river will never be clogged again, the organisation plans to start Phase-III, a manual clean-up of the bit, which extends downstream from the Coonoor Bridge to Kanni Mariamman Kovil.  

The operations on this stretch will commence as soon as the monsoon blows over.

As a new strategy to keep the town clean and create awareness on littering, Clean Coonoor has started Neighbourhood Cleanups.

Read our recent post about this initiative on our Home Page for more details, and please do contact for organising such an activity in your neighbourhood..